Monday, April 25, 2011

Neuroscience @ Penn--Friday, April 29th

Classes may be over tomorrow, but there are still lots of academic-related things happening around campus. Check this out if you're into ophthalmology and/or cell degeneration:

WHO: Eric A. Pierce, M.D., Ph.D. and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology

WHAT: "Inherited Retinal Degeneration"

WHEN: Friday, April 29th, 1p-2p

WHERE: The Barchi Library (Room 140 in the John Morgan Bldg on Penn's campus. The door will have a red light just above the handle, but it's not locked--you just have to pull.)

WHY: This is a great opportunity--not only for those interested in optical medicine--but also for anyone contemplating pursuing an M.D./Ph.D. (and, as per usual, there will be free food!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Answer: This puzzle is usually attributed to Einstein, who may or may not have written it. The German owns the fish and the table below details the full answer:

Nationality: Norweg Dane Brit German Swede
Colour : Yellow Blue Red Green White
Beverage : water tea milk coffee beer
Smokes : Dunhill Blend Pall Mall Prince Blue Master
Pet : cats horses birds fish dogs

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Volunteer Opportunity

Nu Rho Psi, the new honor society at Penn for neuroscience (I know, clever), is having an event at a local library that is similar to Kids Judge! They really need at least one or two more volunteers to help them out with the event. They will be doing 3 short skits that will teach the kids about Brain injury, sensory systems (the jelly bean experiment for those who took 251 last semester), and possibly memory if they have time. The event is on Thursday, April 21st from 12:00 - 1:00pm. They'll be leaving campus around 11:30 am, and will be back, hopefully by 1:30. If you're interested please e-mail Alison Lai at

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Book Review

This book "SuperCooperators" by Martin Nowak seemed pretty cool so I added it to my ever expanding "to read" list. It talks about evolution in terms of cooperation using examples ranging from Ant colonies to humans. Check it out!
If you've read it, let us know how it is

Monday, April 4, 2011

How does DNA know what time it is?

AMCS Colloquium 2010-2011 featuring....

Speaker: Arjun Raj
Topic:"How does DNA know what time it is?": A discussion about gene organization and its role in patterns of robust gene expression.
When: April 8, 2011
Where: Heilmeier Hall, Towne 100

Neuroscience @ Penn--Friday, April 8th

Do you have any relatives suffering from a neurodegenerative disease? Interested in developmental biology? Check this out:

WHO: Aaron D. Gitler, Ph.D. and Assistant Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology

WHAT: "Defining Mechanisms of Human Neurodegenerative Diseases"

WHEN: Friday, April 8th, 1-2p

WHERE: The Barchi Library (Room 140 in the John Morgan Bldg on Penn's campus. The door will have a red light just above the handle, but it's not locked--you just have to pull.)

WHY: Neurodegenerative diseases and the biological mechanisms underlying them are a super hot spot in science right now. And, as per usual--free food.